Pen 4 = Yellow
Pen 5 = Blue
Pen 6 = Magenta
Pen 7 = Cyan
Range: On
Sets the printer to monochrome (2 pen).
Sets the printer to color (8 pens).
When set to on, the printer maps each pen to its as-
signed color, then converts the color to a grayscale
using the National Television System Committee
(NTSC) color standard for luminosity coefficients
(Additive System): Y = .3R + .59G + .11B
Example of how to use the Color Standard: Formula
White Y = [(1*0.3) + (1*0.59) + (1*0.11)]100% gray
Black Y = [(0*0.3) + (0*0.59) + (0*0.11)]0% gray
Red Y = [(1*0.3) + (0*0.59) + (0*0.11)]30% gray
Green Y = [(0*0.3) + (1*0.59) + (0*0.11)]59% gray
Yellow Y = [(1*0.3) + (1*0.59) + (0*0.11)]89% gray
Blue Y = [(0*0.3) + (0*0.59) + (1*0.11)]11% gray
Magenta Y = [(1*0.3) + (0*0.59) + (1*0.11)]41% gray
Cyan Y = [(0*0.3) + (1*0.59) + (1*0.11)]70% gray
Controls the default storage location of PCL objects
(fonts, macros, and patterns) when not otherwise
specified through QMS Document Option Commands
(DOCs). Choices are Disk (all downloaded PCL
objects are stored in the default disk resource, if
present) and Memory (all downloaded PCL objects are
stored in temporary storage in RAM). Disk is the
default setting. DOCs specifying resources override
this option on a per-job basis. If this option is set to Disk
and no hard disk is installed, memory is used as the
default storage location. If the printer has both a hard
disk and a large amount of memory, setting this option
to Memory enhances printer performance. See QMS
Chapter 4
Printer Configuration 4-35
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