Miscellaneous Problems: A Quick Check
If you have just installed your printer and are having problems, be
sure you have correctly followed the setup steps outlined in chapter
2, “Initial Printer Setup,” and chapter 3, “Connecting the Printer.”
Then, check the following:
1. Is there a status message in the control panel window?
If so, go to question 2.
If not, check the following:
■ Is the power cord plugged into both the power outlet and
the printer?
■ Are both power switches on?
■ Is the power outlet working?
■ Does the line voltage from the power outlet match the
printer’s power requirements? See appendix B, “Technical
2. Can you print a status page? (This option is located in the
Administration/Special Pages menu.)
If so, go to question 3.
If not, check the following:
■ Is the printer off line before you try to enter the menu? It
should be.
■ Is the cassette empty? If it is out of media, the message
BIN is displayed
in the control panel message window and the Message
LED is lit.
Chapter 9
9-20 Troubleshooting
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