■ HP PCL 5 Emulation Technical Reference
This document covers the HP PCL 5 emulation. In most
cases, only advanced PCL 5 users and system
administrators need this information.
■ QMS Crown Technical Reference
This document provides advanced technical information,
including information on communication protocols,
HP-GL emulation, HP PCL emulation, CCITT, and
PostScript emulation. In most cases, only advanced users
and system administrators need this information. This
manual is contained on a disk. The README file on the
disk explains how to access the manual.
Other Documentation
Other sources of information you may find helpful are
■ HP PCL 5C Technical Support Notes
These notes cover the HP PCL 5C color commands. They
are available free through CompuServe, the QMS bulletin
board, and Q-FAX. Appendix A, “QMS Customer
Support,” of this document explains how to use these
■ Printer Option Documentation
If you purchased a printer option (for example, a direct
network interface card), you may have received separate
documentation for it. Check chapter 8, “Printer Options,”
of this manual for additional option information.
■ Electronic Information
CompuServe, the Internet, our bulletin board, and Q-FAX
are all sources of information from QMS. Appendix A,
Chapter 1
Introduction 1-5
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