The advantages of Level 2 color matching are that it is portable, it
is application- and printer-resident (there’s nothing else to buy),
and it is performed at the printer level (so it doesn’t tie up your
host). However, no on-screen preview of output is provided, and
you are not warned if a color is out of printer’s gamut (color range).
* Color Matching
Your printer has been approved by Pantone Inc. to simulate
PANTONE Colors. Pantone specifies hundreds of spot colors, each
identified by a unique number. Each of these spot colors can be
simulated on the printer with the appropriate combination of
process (CMYK) colors.
Within a Pantone-licensed application (such as Aldus FreeHand or
Adobe Illustrator), you can choose a PANTONE Color number and
the corresponding CMYK simulation is printed. Pantone tables for
supporting applications are shipped on a Pantone disk with the
printer, including the following:
■ Aldus FreeHand (Macintosh and Windows)
■ Adobe Illustrator (Macintosh and Windows)
■ QuarkXpress (Macintosh only)
■ CorelDRAW (Windows only)
Instructions for installation and use are included on the Pantone
disk provided with the printer. (If you did not receive a Pantone
disk with your printer, call QMS Customer Technical Assurance.)
Chapter 7
Optimizing Color Output 7-15
* Pantone Inc.’s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.
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