Updated DOCs
This section provides updated information on HP PCL 4 and PCL
5 DOCs. This information will be merged into the appropriate
manuals as they are revised. But until then, it supersedes the
following: QMS Crown Document Option Commands manual
(part number 1800216-001E) and HP PCL 5 Emulation Technical
Reference Manual (part number 1800304-001A).
PCL 5 Emulation Terminology
A font is a unique set of objects that has an ID and attributes
(symbol set, spacing, pitch, height, style, weight, and typeface
number). A font is accessed by specifying a desired set of attributes.
The system selects the font that most closely matches these
attributes from the available set of fonts. See the PCL 5 Emulation
Technical Reference Manual for information on what characterizes
a PCL font.
There are two types of fonts: bound and unbound. A bound font
supports a single symbol set. An unbound font supports multiple,
but not all, symbol sets. With unbound fonts, the symbol sets are
organized into two groups: normal and Dingbats. All downloaded
fonts are bound, and all resident fonts (except Zapf-Dingbats which
supports the Dingbats symbol set) support the group of normal
symbol sets.
In the QMS PCL 5 emulation, only fonts located in the current
resource may be accessed by a PCL font ID using the normal
<ESC>(#X sequence. All other fonts (resident, cartridge, or other),
Appendix D
D-14 Additional Technical Information
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