
Note: Finding the optimum value of xx for this command will vary depending
on the proportional character set being used, and may require some
4. Print the item price. For the first item, this is the ASCII data $ .45.
5. Issue the Fix Font Matrix command with n=0, which disables the fixed font
matrix. The command syntax is X'1B 3A 00'.
6. Issue the Print and Line Feed command. Use the command syntax X'0A' or
Layout using set tab position
In situations where you do not need the price right aligned, or where you require
an additional column (for example, a column for quantity), using tabs is the best
method to guarantee alignment. Tab positions that you define during the setup
operation will remain intact until the printer is reset or re-initialized. Once tabs are
setup, all that is required is to send a tab character X'09' to move to the next tab
position. Use the Fix Font Matrix if alignment of the individual characters in a
field is important (for example, to align the decimal points of prices).
The following Set Tab Positions command will define tab positions for 3 columns:
item description, quantity and price. The command assumes that the font width is
approximately 10 dots. This procedure assumes that proportional characters have
been downloaded and selected for printing, and that the item description will be
left aligned.
X’1B 44 01 90 01 D6 00 00’
The following sequence should be used for each item line. The printer output
would resemble the following:
Candy Bar 03 $ 1.00
Fountain Soda 10 $11.10
1. Print the item description. For the first item, this is the ASCII data Candy Bar.
2. Issue the Tab command. The command syntax is X'09'.
3. . Issue the Fix Font Matrix command with n=dot width of the widest number
used. The command syntax is X'1B 3A xx'.
Note: Finding the optimum value of xx for this command will vary depending
on the proportional character set being used, and may require some
4. Print the quantity. For the first item, this is the ASCII data 03.
5. Issue the Tab command. The command syntax is X'09'.
6. Print the price. For the first item, this is the ASCII data $1.00.
7. Issue the Fix Font Matrix command with n=0, which disables the fixed font
matrix. The command syntax is X'1B 3A 00'.
8. Issue the Print and Line Feed command. Use the command syntax X'0A' or
Proportional font conversion utility
IBM provides three True Type fonts and a utility that you can use to convert the
fonts to files that the SureMark printer can use. The application and instructions
for downloading the converted fonts are available from the Retail Store Solutions
Web site.
Chapter 6. Character fonts 99