Table 7. Unicode positions for code page 858 - 2 bytes for each mapping
location (continued)
U00025A0 " FEh
For the Unicode characters supported in the printers please see separate
Spread Sheet.
Characters 0x20 through 0x7F are the same as other codepages. Therefore,
the amount of Unicode values will be from 0x80 through 0xFF ( 128
Unicode values, 256 bytes).
Selection of the User Defined code page is ignored if the code page has not
been defined. The previous codepage will still be selected.
Error conditions:
Flash EPROM Load Error - verify that this sector was erased before down
loading the images. Command Reject - when there is no memory allocated
for this function.
Request checksum of flash memory sector
01 Sector 1 - downloaded graphics
02 Sector2-predefined messages
03 Sector 3 - user-defined impact character set
04 Sector 4 - user-defined thermal character sets
05 Sector 5 - user flash storage
06 Thermal double byte character sets
07 Impact double byte character sets
08 User defined code page mapping
To verify data integrity of the data loaded in the Flash EPROM in the
Retrieve checksum of each downloaded logo or each stored
ESC | n1 n2 or X'1B7C;n1;n2'
n1 = 0x01 for downloaded logos
= 0x02 for stored messages
n2 The number of the downloaded logo or message that is being
1 <n2<255 or 0x1 < n2 <= 0xFF
To verify data integrity of the logos or messages stored in the
printer. The printer responds with a 2 byte checksum following the
status bytes. If the logo or message is not defined, the checksum
will respond as 0x0000.
Status byte 10 bit 2 will be set when this status is returned.
Chapter 2. Communication parameters 29