Enable watermark printing
GS 2B logo dot offset alignment or X'1D2B;'logo;dot offset;alignment
logo Is the number of the stored logo that will be used as the WaterMark
(0x01 <= 0xFF)
dot offset
Is the number of millimeters (8 dot rows = 1 mm) offset between each
WaterMark (0x00 <= 0xFF)
Is the alignment and density of the mark
x0 Align Left
x1 Align Center
x2 Align Right
x3 Roll Right (Left -> Center -> Right -> Left -> ...)
x4 Roll Left (Right -> Center -> Left -> Right -> ...)
x5 Zig-Zag (Left -> Center -> Right -> Center -> Left -> ...)
0x Normal Print - 200 DPI in the thermal (receipt) station
1x Double Wide - 100 DPI in the thermal (receipt) station
2x Double High - 100 DPI in the thermal (receipt) station
3x Double Wide and High - 100 DPI in the thermal (receipt) station
Valid only in the Thermal Station. 1 cm = 80 dots.
You cannot use both page mode printing and watermark printing at the
same time. The speed of printing depends on the dot density of the
watermark. The logo downloaded should be made with a low dot density.
This command is support with firmware version 08.00 and greater. When
printing line by line the printer will buffer the line that overlaps with the
watermark region. Watermark is temporarily disabled when printing
barcodes or logos.
Print predefined messages
GS ^ message# or X'1D5E;message#'
The number associated with the stored predefined message.
v range=1to25forallmodels
To print predefined print messages.
Valid at the beginning of the line only.
68 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR