IBM SC34-6814-04 Server User Manual

(the value of the TERMINAL or CONNECTION attribute on the shipped
definition) is already in use in the AOR to identify an installed remote
terminal or connection.
N The name by which the terminal or connection is known in the TOR is
not in use in the AOR to identify a remote terminal or connection.
A fullword pointer to an 8-character input field containing the netname of the
terminal or connection to be installed.
A fullword pointer to the return fields. The output fields, for use by your
program, are:
A 4-character field used to specify the name by which the remote
terminal or connection is to be known to this system. If the name is less
than 4 characters long, it must be padded with trailing blanks. For a list
of the characters you can use in terminal names, see Terminal definition
attributes, in the CICS Resource Definition Guide.
On invocation, if INSTALL_SHIPPED_CLASH is set to 'N' (indicating no
conflict of terminal names), SELECTED_SHIPPED_TERMID contains
the same value as the field pointed to by
CONNECTION attribute on the shipped definition). If
SELECTED_SHIPPED_TERMID contains a CICS-generated alias.
Your user program can use this field to override a CICS-generated
alias. For advice on choosing terminal and connection names, see
“Resetting the terminal identifier” on page 560.
The 1-character return code field. The equated values are:
Install the remote terminal or connection. Your user program
must return this value if the resource is to be autoinstalled.
REJECT (X'01')
Do not install the remote terminal or connection. This is the
default value.
A fullword pointer to a 4-character input field containing the name by which the
terminal or connection is known in the TOR. (This is the value of the
TERMINAL or CONNECTION attribute on the shipped definition.)
A fullword pointer to an 8-character input field containing the netname (applid)
of the TOR.
A fullword pointer to a 4-character input field containing the name (sysid) of the
connection to the TOR.
A fullword pointer to an 8-character input field containing the shipped definition’s
correlation identifier. A correlation identifier is a unique “instance token” that is
created when a CICS/ESA 4.1 or later terminal or connection definition is
Chapter 14. Writing a program to control autoinstall of shipped terminals 563