Reason for Disconnection. Contains flags:
Disconnected from menu
Checkpoint Freeze input to DBCTL
DRA Failure has taken place
DBCTL Failure has taken place.
DRA startup table suffix.
DBCTL identifier.
The sample CICS–DBCTL interface status program
The source-code of the supplied CICS–DBCTL interface status program,
DFHDBUEX, is provided, in assembler language only, in the
CICSTS32.CICS.SDFHSAMP library. A corresponding copy book, DFHDBUCA, that
maps the communication area, is in CICSTS32.CICS.SDFHMAC.
The sample program checks for the presence of the input parameters (passed in
the communication area). If these do not exist, control returns to the calling
The type of request (CONNECTION|DISCONNECTION) is then determined, and a
branch is taken to the appropriate function routine (CONPROC|DISPROC).
The sample contains an example, as part of a comment, of how to enable and how
to disable a transaction. To use the program, it is necessary for transactions using
DBCTL to be defined in the CSD as DISABLED.
You can code your own CICS–DBCTL interface status program in any of the
languages supported by CICS. For information about the job control statements
necessary to assemble and link-edit user-replaceable programs, refer to
“Assembling and link-editing user-replaceable programs” on page 436.
660 Customization Guide