Short Title Full Title
Data Areas Volume 1 OS/390 MVS Data Areas, Vol 1
(ABEP-DALT), SY28-1164
Data Areas Volume 2 OS/390 MVS Data Areas, Vol 2
(DCCB-ITTCTE), SY28-1165
Data Areas Volume 3 OS/390 MVS Data Areas, Vol 3 (IVT-RCWK),
Data Areas Volume 4 OS/390 MVS Data Areas, Vol 4 (RD-SRRA),
Data Areas Volume 5 OS/390 MVS Data Areas, Vol 5
(SSAG-XTLST), SY28-1168
MVS/ESA Resource Measurement Facility
(RMF), Version 5–MonitorI&IIReference
and User’s Guide, LY28-1007
System Management Facilities z/OS MVS System Management Facilities
(SMF), GC28-1783
VTAM books
OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server: SNA Network Implementation,
OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server: SNA Programming, SC31-8573
Other related books
IBM ESA/370 Principles of Operation, SA22-7200
IMS/ESA Application Programming: DL/I Calls, SC26-3062
OS/390 Security Server External Security Interface (RACROUTE) Macro
Reference, GC28-1922
OS/390 Security Server (RACF) Security Administrator's Guide, SC28-1915
Service Level Reporter Version 3 General Information, GH19-6529
SNA Formats, GA27-3136
SNA Sessions Between Logical Units, GC20-1868
Determining if a publication is current
IBM regularly updates its publications with new and changed information. When first
published, both hardcopy and BookManager
softcopy versions of a publication are
usually in step. However, due to the time required to print and distribute hardcopy
books, the BookManager version is more likely to have had last-minute changes
made to it before publication.
Subsequent updates will probably be available in softcopy before they are available
in hardcopy. This means that at any time from the availability of a release, softcopy
versions should be regarded as the most up-to-date.
For CICS Transaction Server books, these softcopy updates appear regularly on the
Transaction Processing and Data Collection Kit CD-ROM, SK2T-0730-xx. Each
reissue of the collection kit is indicated by an updated order number suffix (the -xx
part). For example, collection kit SK2T-0730-06 is more up-to-date than
SK2T-0730-05. The collection kit is also clearly dated on the cover.
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