1. Except where explicitly stated as being for information only, you can
reset the values of these variables.
2. All environment variables and values are case sensitive, and should be
set as shown.
3. CICS ignores any values that it does not recognize as a valid option.
4. For the options beginning with X:
v Some of these options are no longer documented in the CICS
documentation. However, they are still valid options and available to
v These options should now begin with -X when specified in a JVM
profile. However, the hyphen is not included in the environment
variables used by DFHJVMAT, which still begin with X.
Table 34. JVM profile options available to DFHJVMAT
Option Specifies
CICS_HOME Home directory for CICS files on z/OS UNIX, including
CICS-supplied JAR files
CLASSCACHE_MSGLOG Log file on z/OS UNIX for messages from master JVM
(with Version 1.4.2 of the SDK)
Prefix and suffix to standard class path
INVOKE_DFHJVMAT For information only
JAVA_DUMP_OPTS Set of Java dump options to obtain diagnostics for an
abend in the JVM
JAVA_HOME Path to IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition
subdirectories and JAR files
JVMPROPS Path and name of the JVM properties file
Prefix and suffix to library path
STDERR Name of z/OS UNIX file for stderr output from the JVM
STDIN Name of z/OS UNIX file for stdin
STDOUT Name of z/OS UNIX file for stdout output from the JVM
USEROUTPUTCLASS Name of a Java class that intercepts and redirects the
stdout and stderr output from the JVM.
VERBOSE Level of information messages from the JVM
WORK_DIR Working directory for CICS region on z/OS UNIX
Xcheck Perform additional checks
Xdebug Enable debugging support
Xinitsh Initial size of the system heap
Xmaxe, Xmaxf, Xmine, Xminf Maximum and minimum heap expansion sizes and free
heap percentage sizes for the nonsystem heap
Xms Initial size of the nonsystem heap
Xmx Maximum size of the nonsystem heap
Xnoagent Disable the old sun.tools.debug agent (if Xdebug
Xnoclassgc Disable class garbage collection
Xoss Maximum Java stack size for any thread
Chapter 22. Writing programs to customize JVMs 673