Appendix B. Default actions of the node abnormal condition
This appendix describes the default actions of the node abnormal condition
program, DFHZNAC. The actions vary, depending on the terminal error code and
system sense codes received from VTAM. In most cases, DFHZNAC issues
messages and sets one or more “action flags” in the communication area passed to
the node error program, DFHZNEP. DFHZNEP then has the opportunity to change
the default actions (though not the messages) by setting or resetting flags. (Note,
however, that in some circumstances, the actions actually taken can vary from the
actions set, depending on the state of the node at the time of the error.)
For more information about DFHZNAC and DFHZNEP, see Chapter 9, “Writing a
node error program,” on page 479.
The appendix is divided into the following sections:
1. “DFHZNAC—default actions for terminal error codes”
2. “CICS messages associated with VTAM errors” on page 861
3. “DFHZNAC—default actions for system sense codes” on page 866
4. “Action flag settings and meanings” on page 868.
DFHZNAC—default actions for terminal error codes
Terminal error codes from VTAM are put in a 1-byte field (TWAEC) of the
communications area passed to DFHZNEP.
Table 53 shows the message issued and action flags set by DFHZNAC for each
terminal error code.
For error codes with CICS messages associated with them, see the CICS
Messages and Codes manual for descriptions of the corresponding error conditions.
The figures in the “Action flags set” column are translated into bit settings and
explained in Table 56 on page 868.
Table 53. Messages issued and flags set by DFHZNAC for specific error codes
Error code Symbolic label Message Action flags set
X'11' TCZSRCBF DFHZC2403 2571824
X'13' TCZSRCVH DFHZC2416 7 18 24
X'14' TCZLRCER DFHZC2404 237910112324
X'15' TCZSRCPF DFHZC2407 2379101124
X'16' TCZDMIT DFHZC3492 None
X'18' TCZLRCNR DFHZC2404 237910112324
X'19' TCZSRCTS DFHZC2406 9 10 11 18
X'1A' TCZSRCVE DFHZC2408 2379101124
X'1D' TCZSRCVI DFHZC2417 2 7 24
X'1E' TCZSRCV2 DFHZC2408 2379101124
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