Intel SGI Altix 450 Switch User Manual

Replacing IRU Components
007-4857-002 113
Removing or Adding IRU Power Supplies
Under most circumstances a single power supply in an IRU can be replaced without shutting down
the IRU or the complete system. In the case of a fully configured (loaded) IRU, this may not be
possible. In a fully loaded system, power supply failure could result in shutdown of the IRU due
to the power loss. Note that when replacing either of the supplies, it is necessary to remove the
system controller panel (see “Remove and Replace the System Control Display Panel” on
page 110 before proceeding). Use the following steps to remove and replace a power supply in the
1. Disconnect the power cord from the IRU power supply.
2. Press down on the retention latch at the top of the power supply, see Figure 6-3.
3. Using the power supply handle, pull the power supply straight out of the IRU.
Figure 6-3 Removing an IRU Power Supply
Press latch