[16] KRDS Host
When activated, the Remote Diagnostics option is automatically monitored by a
Konica service representative. In case of machine trouble, select the KRDS host
option. Your service representative will contact you to determine the appropriate
means for resolving the problem.
❒ Setting options: Call for JAM; SC; No toner; No paper; Copy quality; Other reason
Key Operator Mode Screen KRDS Host Menu Screen
Start Call Screen
1 Touch [16] KRDS host to display the KRDS Host Menu Screen.
2 Touch 1. JAM concerns, 2. SC concerns, 3. NO TONER, 4. NO PAPER, 5. COPY
QUALITY, or 6. OTHER REASON, as required.
The Start Call Screen will be displayed.
3 Touch START to call remote service representative.
4 Touch RETURN to restore the Key Operator Mode Screen.
5 If no further changes are required, touch RETURN to restore the Basic Screen to
perform copying operations.