Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Daily Startup
When you first turn the power on you’ll see:
the copyright message
the date and time prompts if they are set
Then you’ll see
Select Supply Type: B
A)lign, B)lack Mark or D)ie Cut
Press if you are using black mark or aperture
Type D and press if you are using die cut
Type A and press to calibrate the printer.
Next you’ll see the main menu:
Select Operating Mode:
Data Entry __
Press to display the mode you want, then press to
select the mode.
If you want to enter a time or a date at daily startup, go to
section 5, "Configuring the Printer." You can set the time and
date to display each time you turn the power on. The
procedure for daily startup is in the
Operator’s Handbook
Turning the printer on and off rapidly can cause it to
malfunction. If you have turned the print on (or off), wait 10
seconds before turning it back off (or on).
Getting Started
1. Getting Started