Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

2. You’ll see the Configuration Options menu.
Select Config Option:
Define Check Digit Schemes __
Press .
3. You’ll see
CD Scheme Number [1-12]: 1
You can:
type 1 or 2 and press to redefine the existing
check digit schemes
type a number from 3-12 and press to define a
new check digit scheme.
4. You’ll see
CD Calculation Method: A
Enter [A,B,C,D or E]
Press to use calculation method A. Or, type
another letter for the calculation method and press .
A = Sum of product digits
B = Sum of products
C = AIS Bookstore*
D = SBC Bookstore*
E = ISBN Bookstore
* These calculation methods have 2 check digits. The other
methods have 1 check digit. Be sure you allow for two
check digits when you design your format if you are using
calculation method C or D.
NOTE: When you select A, B, or E, skip step 5.
Configuring the Printer
5. Configuring the Printer