Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

2. Designing a Format
Section 2 and 3 contain tutorials for planning and entering a
tag or label design (format). This section shows you how to
design a format using the four steps below.
1. Determine the basic elements and the fields for your design.
2. Prepare your supply layout for field locations.
3. Define the secondary elements of your design.
4. Record all design elements for format entry.
Section 3 shows samples of the different fields you can use in
a format.
Checking the Supply Size
It is important that you know the exact size of the supply you’re
using. The sensors in the printer check the supply length as it
feeds out of the printer. The size you enter in Format Entry
mode tells the printer what size to check for. In Format Entry,
the size is also used to determine whether the fields you enter
fit the width of the supply.
When measuring aperture supplies and black mark supplies,
measure from top to top as shown.
Black Sensor Mark
Designing a Format