Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Starting Your Format Design
To prepare a layout of your format design, you must define its
basic elements. You must decide the:
Size of the supply.
Number of fields to be printed on this supply.
Types of fields that will be printed (bar code, line,
graphics or text).
Location of each field.
Maximum data length for each field.
Font style and size for each field.
Direction each field will be rotated for printing. See
"Rotating a Field."
Section 3 contains a tutorial for entering the sample format you
are about to design. The design for the sample format has:
Supply size of 1.20 inches wide by 2.00 inches long.
Field rotation of TOP (the top of each field points toward
the top of the supply).
Five regular fields, a sub-field, a merged field, and a
graphic box around the date field.
Here’s a print sample of
our design:
9400 Series User’s Manual