Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Graphic lines to underline or box-in a field.
Graphic images (such as your company logo)
downloaded from your host computer.
The ability to rotate individual fields, or characters within
a field.
function that lets you test your format as you
design it.
There are three password-protected modes: Format Entry
mode, Printer Configuration mode, and Auto-online mode.
One person should have access to these functions and should
serve as the system administrator. The system administrator
can customize the printer to meet specific printing needs.
Here are some features to consider setting when you first
receive the printer.
A daily startup routine for the operators. You can select
the time and date to appear for each startup.
Security passwords for Format Entry mode, Printer
Configuration mode, and Auto-online mode. You can
enter unique passwords for your use.
A special check digit calculation. You can enter check
digit calculations specific to your operation.
Online usage. You must set the parameters for
communication with your host computer before going
Procedures for these features are in section 5, "Configuring
the Printer."
9400 Series User’s Manual