Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Check Digits
Format Entry Prompt:
Check Digit N
G)enerate, V)erify, or N)one
Values: G = printer automatically calculates
V = operator must enter a check digit
N = no check digit
A check digit verifies that the operator enters correct data. You
can use check digits with any field except Date and Time
fields. Yo can specify whether the check digit is to be
generated automatically by the printer (G), or entered by the
operator (V).
If you choose V)erify, the operator must enter a check
digit during data entry. The printer calculates a check
digit and compares that to the data entered. If the
check digit is incorrect, the printer will not accept the
If you choose G)enerate, the printer calculates a check
digit and prints it as part the field.
choosing V)erify check digit for Code 39,
Interleaved 2 of 5, NW7, Code 128, or MSI bar
codes, be sure the check digit calculation scheme
you want has been defined in Printer Options.
See "Defining a Check Digit" in Section 5.
User-definable check digits cannot be used with
UPC and EAN bar codes.
UPC and EAN bar codes automatically generate a
check digit of their own, even if you choose N)one. You
specify V)erify for UPC or EAN if you want to.
Prompts Reference
6. Prompts Reference