Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Incrementing or Decrementing a Field
Format Entry Prompt:
Auto inc/dec field: N
I)ncrement, D)ecrement or N)o
Values: I = Increment
D = Decrement
N = No increment/decrement to occur
You can specify automatic incrementing or decrementing for
any field, and specify the amount. However only the numeric
data in the field increments or decrements.
NOTE: If you use a check digit with incrementing or
decrementing fields, the check digit is recalculated
each time the field increments or decrements.
Amount of inc/dec [0-999]:___
Enter the amount by which you want the field to increment and
press . Incrementing or decrementing begins at the
right-most digit in the field.
Prompts Reference
6. Prompts Reference