Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Format Entry Prompt What You Do
Enter type of field: T
T)ext or B)arcode
Type B and press .
Select barcode:
Press .
Barcode height: 0.00 Type 075 for 0.75 inches
and press .
Human Readable Characters: N
A)bove, B)elow, or N)one
Type B and press .
Include extended characters in
Human Readable [Y/N]: N
Type Y and press .
Barcode density [1-2]: 1 Press .
Cost code field: N
Y)es or N)o
Press .
Length of UPC bar code: S
S)tandard, 2 UPC+2 or 5)UPC+5
Press .
Check digit: N
G)enerate, V)erify or N)one
Press .
9400 Series User’s Manual