Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

4. Enter up to 3 digits for inches (4 digits for millimeters or
dots) for the supply width and press . Do not enter
a decimal point. Then enter up to 3 digits for the supply
length and press . Don’t enter zeros for whole
NOTE: You can set the printer to accept English, metric,
or dot units. See section 5, "Configuring the
Printer." You must enter all dimensions using the
units you specified.
To print the sample tag shown on the following pages, you
must have supply loaded that is at least 1.20 inches wide
and 2.20 inches long. If our supply size is different, enter
the length and width.
For supply that is 1.20 inches wide and 2.20 inches long:
type 120 and press , then type 220 and press .
5. Enter the number of parts for the supply.
Number of parts [1-5]: 1
CLEAR to define at Data Entry
Type 1 and press .
6. Specify cutting or no cutting of the supply during printing.
Cutting [Y/N]: N
CLEAR to define at Data Entry
If you want to cut between batches, type Y and
press .
If you do not want to cut between batches,
press . Go to step 9.
9400 Series User’s Manual