Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Stock Dimensions
Format Entry Prompt:
Stock dimensions (inches)
Width = 0.00 Length = 0.00
Enter the width and length of the stock you are using. The
measurement units you use depends on the units you selected
in Printer Options. You can enter whole units and a decimal
unit for English or metric units, or a decimal unit only. Do not
enter a decimal point.
Format Entry Prompt:
Field 01: P)rompt, F)ix, L)ine
M)erge, S)ub, G)raph or T)est_
To define a sub-field, type S and press .
contains data copied from the data of a regular
field. The sub-field prints as a separate field. The operator
enters only the data for the regular field.
Inches MM Dots
Horz. 0.75 19.1 198
Vert. 0.75 19.1 144
Inches MM Dots
Horz. 4.24 108.0 1122
Vert. 8.00 203.2 1536
9400 Series User’s Manual