Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Sub-field Lets you copy a group of data from a
regular field, and print it in a new location.
As with the regular field you specify the
location of the sub-field. See "Entering a
Starting Format Entry
Here are a few tips to help you enter your formats easily.
Type responses for all prompt screens and press
, unless otherwise stated.
The first five prompts in format entry identify the format
and define the supply to be printed. The remaining
prompts define the fields.
Field definition begins with the Field Definition screen:
Field 01 p)rompt, F)ix, L)ine
M)erge, S)ub, G)raph or T)est____
When you finish defining a field, the screen returns to
the Field Definition screen and the field number (Field
#:) increases by one.
You can test your format design any time during format
entry (if you have defined at least one field). To test
your design, select Test from the Field Definition
screen. The format you are working on will print with
test data in the fields you defined.
If you press before you have completely defined
your first field, your entries for the new format are
If you press after you have defined at least one
field, only the new field (the one you were working on)
won’t be saved.
If you press while you are modifying an existing
field, the field you are modifying won’t be changed.
9400 Series User’s Manual