Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

Entering a Price Field
The printer automatically generates the monetary symbols for
price fields (e.g., dollar sign and decimal) at data entry.
However, when you define the field length, you must allow for
these symbols.
Format Entry Prompt What You Do
Field 06; P)rompt, F)ix, L)ine
M)erge, S)ub, G)raph or T)est_
Type P and press .
Data entry prompt:__________
For ’Field 06’ press ENTER
Type PRICE and press
Enter location (inches) for
’Field #’ H = 0.00 V = 0.00
Type 06 for .6 and press
; type 06 for .6 and
press .
Top of field towards: T
T)op, L)eft, B)ottom or R)ight
Press .
Enter type of field: T
T)ext or B)arcode
Press .
9400 Series User’s Manual