Monarch 9400 Series Printer User Manual

The minimum quiet zone for parallel bar codes printed on the
9465 are shown in the following table.
Function Codes
Code 128 has four function codes (f1-f4). These special
characters can be entered as:
fixed characters when defining a code 128 field (Format
data when printing a batch (Data Entry).
Enter the special 128 function codes as follows:
to select this
Press these keys function code
F2 then 1 f1
F2 then 2 f2
F2 then 3 f3
F2 then 4 f4
The function code is displayed as F
, F
, F
, or F
Density Quiet Zone
1 0.10 inch
20.11 inch
3 0.15 inch
Code 128 Information
Appendix A - Code 128 Information