NEC PD78058 Network Card User Manual

PD78054Y Subseries)
Pin Identifications
A8 to A15 : Address Bus PCL : Programmable Clock
AD0 to AD7 : Address/Data Bus RESET : Reset
ANI0 to ANI7 : Analog Input RD : Read Strobe
ANO0 to ANO7 : Analog Output RTP0 to RTP7 : Real-Time Output Port
ASCK : Asynchronous Serial Clock RxD : Receive Data
ASTB : Address Strobe SB0, SB1 : Serial Bus
DD : Analog Power Supply SCK0 to SCK1 : Serial Clock
AVREF0, AVREF1 : Analog Reference Voltage SCL : Serial Clock
AVSS : Analog Ground SDA0, SDA1 : Serial Data
BUSY : Busy SI0, SI1 : Serial Input
BUZ : Buzzer Clock SO0, SO1 : Serial Output
IC : Internally Connected STB : Strobe
INTP0 to INTP6 : Interrupt from Peripherals TI1, TI2 : Timer Input
P00 to P07 : Port0 TI00 to TI01 : Timer Input
P10 to P17 : Port1 TO0 to TO2 : Timer Output
P20 to P27 : Port2 TxD : Transmit Data
P30 to P37 : Port3 V
DD : Power Supply
P40 to P47 : Port4 VPP : Programming Power Supply
P50 to P57 : Port5 V
SS : Ground
P60 to P67 : Port6 WAIT : Wait
P70 to P72 : Port7 WR : Write Strobe
P120 to P127 : Port12 X1, X2 : Crystal (Main System Clock)
P130, P131 : Port13 XT1, XT2 : Crystal (Subsystem Clock)