192 | Chapter 11. CoS Queuing
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
CoS Queue Configuration
CoS queue configuration involves port egress queue configuration and drop precedence
configuration (per queue). The design of these on a per-queue, pe- drop precedence basis
allows you to create the service characteristics that you want for different types of traffic.
Port egress queue configuration:
• Scheduler type, strict vs. weighted
• Minimum guaranteed bandwidth
• Maximum allowed bandwidth per-queue shaping
• Queue management type, tail drop vs. WRED
Drop precedence configuration (per queue):
• WRED parameters
- Minimum threshold
- Maximum threshold
- Drop probability
- Scale factor
• T
ail drop parameters, threshold
Per-interface basis:
• Queue management type, rail Drop vs. WRED
Only if per-queue configuration is not supported
• WRED decay exponent
• T
raffic shaping for an entire interface
Show classofservice Trust
The example is shown as CLI commands and as a Web interface procedure.
CLI: Show classofservice Trust
To use the CLI to show CoS trust mode, use these commands:
(Netgear Switch) #show classofservice trust?
<cr> Press Enter to execute the command.
(Netgear Switch) #show classofservice trust
Class of Service Trust Mode: Dot1P