NETGEAR RP114 Network Router User Manual

Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router
9-10 Using the Manager Interface for Advanced System Maintenance
Remote Management
Although the router is normally configured by a PC on the local network, it can also be configured
and managed over the Internet if remote management is enabled.
To enter the remote management menu:
Select option 11 from Menu 24, Maintenance, to enter the Remote Management menu.
Determine which management protocol (Telnet, FTP, or HTTP) will be enabled.
If a non-standard port number will be used for that service, enter that port number as
Server Port.
The default port (protocol) number is shown.
Use the space bar to toggle Server Access to allow access from the LAN only, WAN only,
either (ALL), or none (Disable).
If you will manage the router from a particular IP address on the Internet, enter that
address as Secured Client IP. If management will be allowed from any IP address, leave
it as
When remote management is enabled, security for the remote connection is provided by
the manager password and the remote manager’s IP address, if specified. If you do not specify
an IP address, any Internet host who can guess your password will have access to your router.
Press ENTER at the bottom of the menu to save your settings.