NETGEAR RP114 Network Router User Manual

Index 3
Obtaining ISP Configuration Information 3-9
Manager interface
commands 7-4
menus 7-4
troubleshooting 11-7
using for configuring 1-2
Manager interface menus
Diagnostic 9-6, 9-7
Edit IP Static Route 8-14
Filter Rules Summary 10-3, 10-9
General Setup Menu 7-6
Generic Filter Rule 10-9
Internet Access Setup 8-1
LAN Setup Menu 7-8
Log and Trace 9-4
Main 7-3
Remote Node Network Layer Options 8-7
Remote Node Setup 8-3
Syslog and Accounting 9-5
System Security 7-11
System Status 9-1
TCP/IP Filter Rule 10-6
WA N S e tu p 7 -7
WAN Setup Menu 7-7
Mask field, Generic Filter Rule menu 10-9
MDI/MDI-X wiring B-11
Metric field
Edit IP Static Route menu 5-10, 8-15
Remote Node Network Layer Options menu 8-7
mode, command interpreter 9-9
More field
Generic Filter Rule menu 10-9
TCP/IP Filter Rule menu 10-8
Multicast 5-5, 7-11
Name field, System Maintenance menu 9-3
NAT. See Network Address Translation
NetBIOS Name Service 10-11
contacting xv
translation table B-6
Network Address Translation 1-4, B-8
Network Time Protocol 4-9
newsgroup 4-10
NNTP newsgroup 4-10
NTP 4-9
Offset field, Generic Filter Rule menu 10-9
Outgoing field, Remote Node Profile menu 8-5
package contents 2-1
changing 7-11
restoring 11-8
PC, using to configure 3-10
pinout, Ethernet cable B-10
Port Forwarding 5-6
port forwarding behind NAT B-9
Port Forwarding Menu 5-6
options, editing 8-6
PPP over Ethernet 1-2, 1-4, 3-7, 8-2
PPPoE 1-2, 1-4, 3-7, 4-4, 8-2, 8-5
PPTP 3-7
PPTP, login for Europe 4-4, 8-5
Primary DNS Server 4-6
Private field
Edit IP Static Route menu 5-10, 8-15
Remote Node Network Layer Options menu 8-7
Address Resolution B-9
DHCP 1-4, B-10
Routing Information 1-4, B-2
support 1-2
publications, related xv
range, port forwarding 5-7