
Using the Manager Interface to Configure the Router for Internet Access 8-1
Chapter 8
Using the Manager Interface to Configure the
Router for Internet Access
This chapter describes how to configure your Model RP114 Web Safe Router for Internet access
using the internal Manager interface. For information about using the Manager interface, refer to
Chapter 7, “Using the Manager Interface for Initial Router Configuration.”
Internet Access Configuration
You can configure the router for basic access to your Internet service provider (ISP) using
Manager Menu 4, Internet Access Setup. The configuration information required is either supplied
directly by your ISP or must be obtained from your preconfigured PC as described in “Obtaining
ISP Configuration Information (Windows)”onpage 3-8. Additional configuration parameters are
available in Menu 11, Remote Node Setup.
To configure your router for Internet access:
Enter 4 from the Main Menu to display Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup.
Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup opens (Figure 8-1).