3–45Configuring the Printer
Subsequent printing observes the current setting for skip-over perforation, form
length, and top-of-form position parameters.
Cancel the hex dump mode (while off-line), by disabling it from the control panel.
The paper then may be advanced to the next top-of-form.
If a fault occurs while printing a hex dump, the printer reverts to the normal fault
state. When the fault is cleared, the printer resumes printing the hex dump (either
a partial line with a form feed, or nothing at all). Top-of-form remains unaffected.
Impact Print
54 68 65 20 49 6D 70 61 63 74 20 50 72 69 6E 74
er Emulation pri
65 72 20 45 6D 75 6C 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 70 72 69
nts in one–up, t
6E 74 73 20 69 6E 20 6F 6E 65 2D 75 70 2C 20 74
wo–up, and four–
77 6F 2D 75 70 2C 20 61 6E 64 20 66 6F 75 72 2D
up page windows,
75 70 20 70 61 67 65 20 77 69 6E 64 6F 77 73 2C
Figure 3–13. Example of Hex Dump
PTX Setup Option
Values: Setup Parse and Setup SFCC
This option provides the ability to enable or disable the setup parse and to select
the Special Function Control Code (SFCC).
Setup Parse controls the use of PTX setup commands from the host computer.
With the option enabled, PTX setup commands are used. With the option
disabled, PTX setup commands are not used (this is the default).
Setup SFCC allows you to choose the special function control code to be used
with your application. Any single hexadecimal control code between hex 01 and
FF can be selected.
Display Language
Values: English (default), French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Dutch
This option is used to select the language for the control panel display. This
selection will change the display of all information on the LCD.