INTEBUS S / Enclosure and specifications
Interbus S buscoupler with extended diagnostics 750-304/000-001
The Interbus S buscoupler with no. 750-304/000-001 has the possibility of extented
diagnostic functions. The technical data is the same as 750-304.
Different from the standard buscoupler, a word for diagnostic messages is put into the
input data process image and a word for the control of the diagnostic input is put into
the output data process image.
The maximum number of input and output modules is reduced by the additional
diagnostic function because Interbus S transmits only 31 words of a process image.
Order of the diagnostic status word:
Bit of the
status word
error error code (s. table) Channel Module
The error code is shown in the following table:
Error code Description
0 unknown fault
5 defective fuse
10 broken wire
15 short circuit
Channel: This is the location for the fault input of a module. The counting is done in the
same way as numbering channels.
Module: This is the number of the module. Counting starts at the fieldbus coupler. The
first module attached to the coupler is module 0.
The diagnostic control word is for diagnostic actions. E.g. error messages can be cleared
in this way.
Order of the diagnostic control word:
Bit of the
control word
The actions are coded as follows:
Actions Description
0x00 (0) no action
0x01 (1) Acknowledge diagnostic control word
0x80 (128) Clears all error messages in the buffer