INTERBUS S / Startup
After elimination of the fault, the buscoupler can only be set to the normal working
condition by another POWER ON sequence.
The green I/O LED flashes when accessing the I/O modules internal data channels.
After being switched on, the buscoupler queries the configuration of the bus modules
but does not carry out a data exchange with the I/O modules. This means that the red I/O
LED will extinguish after a faultless startup. The green I/O LED will indicate when data
is being exchanged by the Interbus network.
Status and error diagnostics:
The fieldbus LEDs show the state of the bus system. The functions of Interbus S are
shown by the LEDs „READY“, „BA“, „RC“ and „RD“.
READY BA RC RD Meaning Help
on off off off Buscoupler ready
on on off off Fieldbus active; data exchange
on off on off incoming connection established
on off off on Field bus off
error in cable or master
search error in
cable or master
off off off off no function ; no voltage
Table 7: Diagnostic LEDs - fieldbus