Internet Fax Functions
This machine converts scanned document images to e-mail format and transmits
the data over the Internet.
The e-mail sent by this machine can be received by another Internet Fax ma-
chine. Instead of dialing the telephone number of the destination you want to
send to, you enter the relevant e-mail address.
You can also print or forward received e-mail messages.
❒ The optional printer/scanner functions are required.
❒ To use Internet Fax functions, this machine must be connected to a LAN and
set up correctly in “System Settings”.
❒ The facsimile function of this machine cannot be used with IPv6.
❒ Before using this function, configure the network in the System Settings
❒ To send Internet Fax documents, in the Facsimile Features menu, under E-
mail Settings, set [Internet Fax Settings] to [On]. However, documents can still
be forwarded or delivered to Internet Fax destinations even if [Off] is selected.
❒ To receive Internet Fax documents, in the System Settings menu, in File
Transfer, under [Fax E-mail Account], set [Account] to [Receive].