p.26 “Internet Fax Functions”
p.66 “Using the Address Book to Specify Destinations”
p.70 “Redial”
p.100 “Canceling a Transmission”
p.109 “Sender Settings”
p.130 “E-mail Options”
p.287 “Maximum Values”
“Entering Text”, About This Machine
“System Settings”, General Settings Guide
“Facsimile Features”, General Settings Guide
“Registering Addresses and Users for Facsimile/Scanner Functions”, Gen-
eral Settings Guide
Bypassing the SMTP server
You can send Internet Fax documents directly to their destinations without go-
ing through the SMTP server.
❒ To use this function, the following settings must be made. For details about
these settings, see “System Settings”, General Settings Guide and “Special
Operations under Windows”, Network Guide.
• In “System Settings”, “SMTP” in “E-mail Communication Port”, set the
port number to “25”.
• To specify the host name of the other party as the domain part of the e-mail
address, program the host name of the other party on the DNS server.
❒ If the other party's IPv4 address is not registered on the DNS server, specify
the IPv4 address at the domain part of the e-mail address.
❒ To use this function, the other party's fax machine must be:
• compatible with Internet Fax
• connected to the same LAN as this machine
• have its reception protocol set to SMTP
❒ SMTP authentication set on the other party's fax machine is disabled when In-
ternet Fax is transmitted using this function.
❒ If an Internet Fax is transmitted from the other party using this function, even
if reception is not successful, an Error Mail Notification is not sent to the sender.
❒ When an Internet Fax is transmitted using this function, even if transmission
is not successful, the error e-mail is not sent from the server.
❒ When using this function, you cannot send Internet Fax documents to the ad-
ministrator's e-mail address programmed on this machine.