stream, the base reference point will be changed, causing the image to be shifted over
toward the inside of the printer where it can be printed on the narrower label.
The image is moved horizontally to the right 4.5 inches (1374 dots) so that it can be
printed on a 2 inch wide label.
For more information, see the Base Reference Point command description.
The CL Series printers can rotate each print field in 90° increments using the Rotate
command. There are two variations of this command.
• <ESC>% - The field rotates, but the base reference point for the field
remains the same.
• <ESC>R - The field and the base reference point rotate.
The following data stream will rotate the print field but will not change the base
reference point of the field:
The following data stream will rotate both the field and the base reference point for
that field:
2" Label
Section 4. Programming Reference
Page 4-89001035 Rev. ESATOCL SeriesPrinters