Sierra Wireless DART 300 Modem User Manual

User’s Guide AT Command Reference
2110212 Rev 1.0 Page 105
Table 12-3: AT [+] Commands in CDPD Mode (continued)
Command Description
Register (Manual)
Registers the NEI entry indexed by +WS197 (Active NEI Index) with the network. The
command waits for the registration process to complete, or a timeout based on
+WS198 (Registration Wait Time), and prints the registration result code.
Register +WS201 (Registration Result Code) can also be read to determine the registration
process status.
If a different NEI is already registered, it is de-registered first. If the current NEI is already
registered, the registration result code is returned without re-registration.
Sets +WS176 (Auto-register NEI Index) = +WS197 (Active NEI Index). +WS176 is stored in
non-volatile RAM. +WS197 is set equal to +WS176 on reset or power-up.
RSSI and Channel State
Returns the current Receive Signal Strength Indication (RSSI), channel state, registration status,
and channel number. Note that the registration status is that of the Active NEI Index (+WS197),
which can be changed while the modem remains registered, using another NEI.
-dBm is the RSSI in dBm (-113 – -30)
state is the channel state: 1 = Scanning / Sleeping
3 = Acquired
reg is the registration status of the NEI indexed by +WS197:
0 = Unregistered
1 = Registered
chan is the current channel number (1 – 1023 if acquired) (0 if scanning)
Service Provider Network ID Table Write.
The modem can be restricted to only accept CDPD service from networks whose network ID is
configured in the SPNI table. This command accepts up to 10 SPNI values. SPNI values are
entered in decimal, separated by commas. This feature is disabled if the table is empty.
Entering the command without parameters empties the SPNI table.
NOTE: Parameters will replace any previous table in its entirety. New entries are not appended.
The entire table must be entered, omitting deletions and adding new values.
Service Provider Network ID Table Read
Returns the SPNI table. The modem can be restricted to accept CDPD service only from networks
whose network ID is configured in the SPNI table. This feature is disabled if the table is empty.