Feature Reference DART 300 Modem
Page 24 2110212 Rev 1.0
For Commands with a Response
When a command generates a response, it precedes the result code in all cases. See above for the
framing of the response portion. This discussion is of the framing of the result code after the
response’s trailing <CR><LF>.
The result code itself only appears if Quiet is off. The result code will be either an ASCII word
(Verbose on) or in ASCII decimal digit(s). If there is a result code (Quiet off) then it will always
be followed by a <CR>.
A trailing <LF> will be included if Verbose is on and Quiet is off. Otherwise there is no trailing
Table 4-3: Result Framing (After Response):
Echo Verbose Quiet
1 1 0
Result <CR> <LF>
1 0 0
Result <CR>
0 1 0
Result <CR> <LF>
0 0 0
Result <CR>
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 1 Possible Result Codes
Result codes are not shown in the AT Command Reference tables unless special conditions apply.
Generally the result code OK is returned when the command has been executed. ERROR may be
returned if parameters are out range, and will be returned if the command is not recognized, or the
command is not permitted in the current mode / state / condition of the modem.
For a full list of result codes, see Table 12-6 in Section 12.5 of the AT Command Reference.
4.3.4. Registers
Some registers are read only. If an attempt is made to write to a read only register, the ERROR
result code is returned.
Some registers store the setting of commands. Changing the register is equivalent to changing the
command setting.
Entering incorrect syntax or a parameter outside of the specified range may have
unexpected results.
The reference tables for both S and +WS registers indicate the standard default values. The
factory defaults of other settings are also noted in Section 12.6 at the end of the AT Command