Appendix A: Performance Specification
1740A/1750A Series Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manual
Electrical Specifications
Table A- 1: Waveform Vertical Deflection
Deflection Factor Req: 1 V full scale (X1): 1 volt input displayed with-
in 1% of 140 IRE (1.00 V PAL)
X5 Gain: 0.2 volt input displayed within
1% of 140 IRE (1.00 V PAL)
X10 Gain: 0.1 volt input displayed within 1%
of 140 IRE (1.00 V PAL)
RI: Any one of the 8 inputs
Variable Gain Range Req: 0.2X to 1.4X
Overscan Req: ≤1% variation in baseline of chroma when
positioned anywhere between sync tip and
100% white
RI: X1, X5, or X10 with any variable gain
V ideo Maximum Operating
Input Voltage
RI: --1.8 V to +2.2 V, (all inputs, A -- B3)
dc+peak ac
Absolute Video Input Voltage RI: --8.5 V to +8.5 V (dc+peak ac)
Video Input DC Impedance RI: ≥20kΩ
Video Input Return Loss RI: Typically ≥40 dB to 6 MHz
Video Input DC Offset
Between Channels
Req: ≤1IRE(7mVPAL)
RI: Typically ≤1mV
Video Input Offset Range RI: CHA2, A3, B2, & B3 can be offset from
CHA1 or CHB1 by ±350 mV
Video Input Loop-Through
RI: Typically ≥70 dB