Appendix A: Performance Specification
1740A/1750A Series Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manual
Table A- 1: Waveform Vertical Deflection (Cont.)
Transient Response Req: Pulse-to-Bar Ratio 0.99:1 t o 1.01:1
RI: Preshoot ≤1%
RI: Overshoot ≤1%
RI: Ringing ≤1%
Req: Field-Rate Tilt ≤1%
Req: Line-Rate Tilt ≤1%
RI: Differential Gain ≤1%
Pix Out Gain Req: 1±3%
Pix Out Frequency Response Req: ±3%to6MHz
Pix Out Dif ferential Gain RI: ≤1%
Pix Out Dif ferential Phase RI: ≤1°
Pix Out Output Impedance RI: 75Ω
Pix Out Return Loss Req: ≥ 30 dB to 6 MHz
Pix Out Line Select Strobe RI: A dc offset is added to output in line se-
lect to bright up the selected line or lines.
DC Restorer 60 Hz (50 Hz)
Req: Slow Mode ≤10%
Fast Mode ≥95%
RI: Back porch or sync tip clamp point is
selected through menu.
DC Restorer Of fset Error Req: ≤1IRE(7mVPAL)
RI: Typically 3 mV
Fast Settling T ime RI: ≤6 video lines
Blanking Shift with 10 to 90%
APL Change
Req: ≤1IRE(7mVPAL)