Getting Set Up
User Manual
Macintosh software
You must have an optional PhaserShare card installed in the
printer before using the driver.
The Phaser 340 diskettes and CD-ROM include an installer application that
automatically installs the following printer software on your Macintosh hard
disk. You can select a standard installation or select individual items.
■ Standard printer software installs Phaser 340 Utilities, Samplers,
PPD files for drivers and applications, ColorSync Profiles, and the
Phaser 340 GX printer driver.
■ Standard plus QuarkXPress printer software installs the PDF
file for QuarkXPress, Phaser 340 Utilities, Samplers, PPD files
for drivers and applications, ColorSync Profiles, and the
Phaser 340 GX printer driver.
■ ColorSync Profiles (Phaser 340 Profile printer profile for use with
ColorSync 2.0).
■ Phaser 340 Utilities installs the following in a Phaser 340 Utilities
folder inside a PhaserTools folder created by the Installer
■ Printer utility files, such as color corrections, tray selections, and
print quality modes.
■ PhaserPrint, a plug-in for use with Adobe Photoshop.
■ LaserWriter Utility downloading and utility application.