3 Tests and Diagnostics 3.27 Sound/LAN/Modem Test Program
Subtest 02 Sin Wave
This subtest is executed by loading the COM file (ADSIN.COM). The
program expands sin wave data table from 16KB to 64KB, and creates the
play data. Then it transfers the data between the DMA and the CODEC to
play the sine wave. (It sounds like a continuous beep). By using wave
measuring devices such as an oscilloscope, the data can be measured as a sine
When the subtest is executed, the following message appears:
....Press test number[1-4] ? pause
Press any key to continue...
Press any key, and the following message appears. Then sin wave is expanded
from 16KB to 64KB data and is beeped.
....Press test number[1-4] ? call sin
Subtest 03 LAN
This subtest checks the operation of mini-PCI I/F by the loopback in the chip.
Select 3 to execute and press Enter. The following message will appear:
COMPLETED Repeat count = 00000
Error count = 00000
100Mbps Auto-negotiation TxRx Test
Destination Address = xxxxxxxxxxxx
Source Address = xxxxxxxxxxxx
** 100Base-TX Full-Duplex **
NOTE: The menu displayed by your computer may be slightly different from the one
shown above.
Check that the message “OK” appears.
3-78 Satellite A40 Maintenance Manual (960-458)