1 Hardware Overview 1.8 TFT Color Display
1.8 TFT Color Display
The TFT color display consists of 12.1-inch WXGA LCD module.
1.8.1 LCD Module
The LCD module used for the TFT color display uses a white LED backlight as the light
source and can display a maximum of 16M colors with 1,200 x 800 resolutions. The VGA in
North Bridge can control internal and external WXGA support displays simultaneously.
Figure 1-7 shows a view of the LCD module and Table 1-5 lists the specifications.
Figure 1-7 LCD module
Table 1-5 LCD module specifications
Item Specifications
12.1-inch WXGA TFT (TMD G33C00051110/210 / (TMD
Display system VMW alignment cell, Transfrective, Normally Black /
Homogeniouse alignment cell, Transfrective, Normally White
Number of Dots 1,280(W) x 800(H)
Dot spacing (mm) 0.204(H) x 0.204(V)
Display range (mm) 261.12(H) x 163.2(V)
G33C00051110:135±15/210: 120(Min), 133(Max)
G33C00047110:137±15 /210: 134.5(Max)
Item Specifications
12.1-inch WXGA TFT (TMD G33C00052110)
Display system TN alignment cell, Transmissive type, Normally White
Number of Dots 1,280(W) x 800(H)
Dot spacing (mm) 0.204(H) x 0.204(V)
Display range (mm) 261.12(H) x 163.2(V)
1-20 [CONFIDENTIAL] PORTEGE A600 Maintenance Manual (960-710)