030-300536 Rev. A 164 August 2007
User GuideVersaLink Wireless Gatewa
Model 7500
16.20 RIP Configuration
In the Advanced screen, click RIP Configuration. The following screen will appear.
RIP (Routing Interface Protocol) is a dynamic inter-network routing protocol primarily used in interior routing
environments. A dynamic routing protocol, as opposed to a static routing protocol, automatically discovers routes
and builds routing tables.
If you change any settings in this screen, click Save to save the settings. If you click Reset, this screen will refresh
and display the previously saved RIP settings.
RIP Configuration
RIP Global Enable Factory Default = Disabled
If this box is checked, RIP will be Enabled (activated).
Interface Type
LAN: Select this if you are configuring RIP for the LAN side.
WAN: Select this if you are configuring RIP for the WAN side. (WAN side is
receive only.)
Receive The version of RIP to be accepted.
Possible Responses: