030-300536 Rev. A 182 August 2007
User GuideVersaLink Wireless Gatewa
Model 7500
Unreal Tournament server 7777 (default gameplay port)
7778 (server query port)
7779,7779+ are allocated dynamically for each helper UdpLink
objects, including UdpServerUplin objects. Try starting with 7779-
7781 and add ports if needed.
27900 server query, if master server uplink is enabled. Home master
servers use other ports like 27500.
Port 8080 is for UT Server Admin. In the [UWeb.WebServer]
section of the server.ini file, set the ListenPort to 8080 and
ServerName to the IP assigned to the Gateway from Verizon.
USENET News Service 143 TCP
VNC, Virtual Network Computing 5500 TCP, 5800 TCP, 5900 TCP
Westwood Online, C&C 4000 TCP/UDP, 1140-1234 TCP/UDP
World Wide Web (HTTP) 80 TCP
443 TCP (SSL)
8008 or 8080 TCP (PROXY)
Xbox Live 88 TCP/UDP, 3074 TCP/UDP
Yahoo Messenger Chat 5000-5001 TCP
Yahoo Messenger Phone 5055 UDP
NAT/VPN Support
IPSec Encryption IPSec using AH can not be supported through NAT. IPSec using
ESP and L2TP can be supported via an ALG
L2TP IPSec using ESP and L2TP can be supported via an ALG.
PPTP Works through NAT.