display {ap | dap} counters 239
11.0: 8016 0 2590353 0 85479 3897587 0 0 1195
TOTL: 543705 52742 40087331 4445625 684050 17552381 0 0 46441
Table 46 describes the fields in this display.
Table 46 Output for display ap counters
Field Description
Port WX port number.
radio Radio number.
LastPktXferRate Data transmit rate, in Mbps, of the last packet received by
the MAP access point.
NumCntInPwrSave Number of clients currently in power save mode.
LastPktRxSigStrength Signal strength, in dBm, of the last packet received by the
MAP access point.
LastPktSigNoiseRatio Signal-to-noise ratio, in decibels (dB), of the last packet
received by the MAP access point.
TKIP Pkt Transfer Ct Total number of TKIP packets sent and received by the radio.
TKIP Pkt Replays Number of packets dropped because they were detected as
TKIP replays. TKIP replays are packets received outside the
TKIP sequence counter window.
CCMP Pkt Decrypt
Number of times a decryption error occurred with a packet
encrypted with CCMP.
CCMP Pkt Transfer
Total number of CCMP packets sent and received by the
PktTxCount Number of packets transmitted by the radio.
MultiPktDrop Number of multicast packets dropped by the radio.
MultiBytDrop Number of multicast bytes dropped by the radio.
User Sessions Number of users currently associated with the radio.
MIC Error Ct Number of times the radio received a TKIP-encrypted frame
with an invalid MIC.
TKIP Decrypt Err Number of times a decryption error occurred with a packet
encrypted with TKIP.
CCMP Pkt Replays Number of packets dropped because they were detected as
CCMP replays. CCMP replays are packets received outside
the CCMP sequence counter window.
RadioResets Number of times the radio has been reset.
TxUniPkt Number of unicast packets transmitted by the radio.
Note: This and the following statistics are listed separately
for each data rate.