
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
Table 4-15: CIR Ranges and Defaults
CIR Uplink CIR Downlink
Range (Kbps) Default (Kbps) Range (Kbps) Default (Kbps)
SU-3 0-2,048 0 0-2,048 0
SU-6 0-4,096 0 0-4,096 0
SU-8 0-11,264 0 0-11,264 0
SU-54 0-45,056 0 0-45,056 0
SU-I 0-4,096 0 0-6,016 0 Maximum Burst Duration (SU and AU)
Sets the maximum time for accumulating burst transmission rights according to
the Burst Duration algorithm.
Available values range from 0 to 2000 (milliseconds).
The default value is 5 (milliseconds), enabling a maximum burst of (0.005 X CIR)
Kbps after a period of inactivity of 5 milliseconds or more. Maximum Delay (SU only)
Sets the maximum permitted delay in the buffers system. As certain applications
are very sensitive to delay, if relatively high delays are permitted, these
applications may suffer from poor performance due to data accumulation in the
buffers from other applications, such as FTP. The Maximum Delay parameter
limits the number of available buffers. Data that is delayed more than the
permitted maximum delay is discarded. If the SU supports applications that are
very sensitive to delay, the value of the Maximum Delay should be decreased.
Valid values range from 300 to 10000 (milliseconds).
The default value is 5000 (milliseconds). Graceful Degradation Limit (AU only)
Sets the limit on using the graceful degradation algorithm. In cases of over
demand, the performance of all SUs is degraded proportionally to their CIR
(IR=(100%-k%) x CIR). The graceful degradation algorithm is used as long as
k K, where K is the Graceful Degradation Limit. Beyond this point the simple
“brute force” algorithm is used. The Graceful Degradation Limit should be raised
in proportion to the demand in the cell. The higher the expected demand in a cell,
the higher the value of the Graceful Degradation Limit. Higher demand can be
expected in cases of significant over subscription and/or in deployments where a